Selasa, 25 Mei 2010

Press: RESET

Siân and I decided to press the RESET button at the weekend.

There's times when there's just too much crowding the head and it feels like the brain is about to explode.

Rather than redecorate the ceiling, we decided to head off to Daylesford, a few hours north.  No writing, no painting, no reading of other people's work, no reports to write, no chores - nothing.  A weekend of delicious sloth.

The area is renowned for its natural springs and, once upon a time, folk would head that way to take the waters and soak in the mineral-rich soup that sprang out of the ground.  Although we did a fair bit of walking (notably around Lake Daylesford) we didn't go for the waters so much as to soak up the wine and the food.

Found our way to two superb restaurants: Frangos & Frangos on the Friday evening and Mercato on  the Saturday.  Stunning.  If you happen to find yourself in Daylesford, give them a try.

Visited the market on Sunday and finally brought myself a hat that I've wanted to buy since I was 17.  I'm patient.  It only took me 35 years!

Anyway, with a tad more brain-space, I posted a review of Five Wounds by Jonathan Walker and Dan Hallett over at The View From Here today.  Have just finished work on an interview and will posting that soon too.  You can find the review here.
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