Selasa, 09 November 2010

Joan Armatrading: Love and Affection

Music is so bloody evocative.  A certain track or a certain album can take us back to a particular place and a moment in time, years upon years ago.  A song can evoke the light and shadows of the moment, the friends we were with at the time - even the mood of the moment.

I remember hearing Joan Armatrading's song Love and Affection drifting from an open window in Clayhill  - Kingston Poly's Hall of Residence - one sunny day in late 1976, and that moment has stayed with me ever since.  Her self-titled album was, it seemed, being played everywhere at the time, and I bought it some time later, but that's the moment which the music locked onto.

Can't hear her wonderful voice without thinking of that song.  Can't hear that song without revisiting that moment.

Ah.  Inhale the nostalgia!

Joan Armatrading's website.
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