Selasa, 02 Maret 2010

Up to my elbows

Been up to my elbows in writing recently.  It's my preferred state so I'm not complaining, but have been a bit quiet in blogdom as a consequence.  So here's a quick catch-up of the other stuff, outside of that trough of creative words:

Exploring opportunities for the Opportunities page over at The View From Here - contacting publishers, conferences, etc, that might be profiled.

Was in Melbourne at the weekend, catching up and eating extra well, and took the chance to see Avatar in 3D (on the third largest screen in the world, no less).  Loved it.  Though most people rave about the effects, some are less enthralled with the story, but it worked for me on both counts.  (Went for a delicious Malaysian meal after.)

While in the city, also went to the Ron Mueck exhibition at the NGV. Very precise and clever, but I felt like I was looking at large dolls or miniature models rather than sculpture.  The man in a boat and Dead Dad conveyed something more to me because of the posture in one and the starkness in the other, but there was a piece of rough bronze sculpture in the foyer of the gallery (I didn't catch who it was by) that resonated far more for me.  It did everything the others didn't.  Oh well, you can please some of the people some of the time...

I've been reading a fair bit of poetry by Philip Schultz (from the Pulitzer prize winning Failure) and loving it, and I've been listening to Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros on the way to work.

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