Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010


It's about that time. A couple of weeks after a book's released, there's the initial comments from individual readers and then, a couple of weeks later, the first reviews. Have been pretty damned chuffed by those first responses to The Grease Monkey's Tale - 3 emails yesterday and 2 messages in the previous days. For me, it's an affirmation that a book is working - has all the thrills, mystery, romance, entertainment it promised - and that it'll work for (most) everyone else too.

And 10 Journeys, for being out an 4 extra weeks, is now picking up some fine reviews.  I'm just catching up with the other stories in this anthology - didn't get a chance before, what with putting the final touches to The Grease Monkey's Tale and all that - but am enjoying it a lot.

Interesting to note the number of online booksellers now stocking and selling The Grease Monkey's Tale and The Snowing and Greening of Thomas Passmore. In addition to the various Amazon stores, there's Blackwell's, the Book Depository, Sprint Books, Fishpond, Price Minister, Books Etc, FH Shop, Tesco ... I never knew there were so many online booksellers.

Thought I'd even the score, with all this fanfare for TGMT, and re-post the book trailer Jen Persson created for Snowing and Greening.  There'll be no favouritism here!

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