Kamis, 30 Juli 2009

'Tis Pity She's a Whore

Have recently revisited a few Jacobean tragedies. Being winter and cold and wet, it's the time of year for dark plots and stages littered with corpses. Enjoyed these when I first read them many years ago - all that incest, skulduggery and treachery - and thought it time I tapped back into those themes. I enjoy the twists and machinations in Cyril Tourneur's The Revenger's Tragedy and John Webster's The White Devil, but 'Tis Pity She's a Whore (great title) by John Ford was my favourite first time around and still is. Love it.

Also finally got round to reading Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner.

PS. The cover of 'Tis Pity puts me in mind of the tour I took round the new Globe theatre when in London. It's a stunning theatre and, given that there wasn't time to fit in a performance, made me determined to get tickets next time. Enjoyed the story about how the original Globe burnt down:

During the second performance of Shakespeare's Henry VIII, it had been decided to mark the entrance of the king's character by firing a cannon (safely wadded with cloth rather than shot) to create a greater sense of pomp and ceremony than the usual trumpets allowed. Unfortunately some of the burning cloth from the cannon landed on the thatched roof and set the place ablaze. It's recorded that, out of the hundreds of people crammed into the auditorium, no one was hurt, although one man's breeches caught alight. These were fortuitously doused with a pitcher of beer. Cheers!

PPS. Have loaded the 'My Library Thing' widget to the side bar, to record some of these Recent Reads.

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